RYAN AIR (Langudoc)

The south of France is well known for circulade villages, built this way to be easy to defend, and best viewed from the air.

Flying over the Languedoc is usually done courtesy of Ryan air (by me) and Flybe (Husband). This year Flybe has decided to axe Beziers from it's destinations and Ryan air has surpassed itself  in messing me around.

My route of choice of late has been Belfast to Bristol by Easy Jet and then Bristol to Beziers with Ryan air followed by the bus up to St.Pons which over the years has been cut from an 8 euro fare to 1 euro and last year back up to 1.50 euro, a great deal for a 50 minute bus ride by Herault transport, which has increased passenger numbers and is a much better idea than free bus passes for senior citizens (says me, a less than 60 year old, of course my tune will change in a few years).

Virtually every flight I book through Ryan air ends up with a change of departure time, this is usually 20 to 40 minutes and that's usually not a big deal. But for my next trip they had moved it two and a half hours later in the day, too late for the last bus, so 4 days ago I finally got around to booking a hotel room in Beziers for the night - cheapest rate (I am a cheapskate), paid in advance. Yesterday I receive an email letting me know they've now moved it 6 hours in the opposite direction, it now departs Bristol before I arrive there. But good news, it'll be going in time for me to get that bus, no need to pay for a hotel! BUT I WON'T BE ON IT, I'll be over Wales somewhere. I am not amused, currently weighing up the options, whatever I choose to do it'll be at least 40 quid more, a hassle and time consuming. I am p***** off.
