Tour de France

Montpellier funny man Remi Gaillard.

Looking forward to visiting the apartment this summer, the alpine slopes are beautiful in summer, full of a myriad of colourful wild flowers. Have been in training! two 10 mile walks last week and will be taking to the Mournes this Saturday and Slieve Gullion the following one, then off to France. The Tour de France will pass us by while we're there, possibly one of the silliest days out you can have with grown adults acting like hyper kids as the 'caravan' goes past distributing freebees, all we managed to grab last time was a beanie hat, a bottle of water, a glasses cleaning cloth and a newspaper. The more experienced manage to acquire entire swag bags of goodies. Anyway it may be daft but not half as daft as Remi Gaillard, check out his Tour de France spoofs on and lots of other pranks.


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