Seems absolutely ages ago now, and to be fair I have taken a long time to put digit to keyboard, that we were away on our annual sojourn at Le Nid in Grande Terche. Possibly the best snow of any Christmas, even though it was quite warm and rained quite a bit in the valley, up on the mountain slopes the snow fell most nights and with most days being a bit dullish there was no sun - melt - freeze - nasty icy bits. Dull flat light does make for difficult visibility when skiing especially for me as being a glasses wearer I just can't be doing with goggles over them, also not great weather for stunning photographs. But as you can see the sun did come out, but on the whole the people didn't! That's a photo of busy Boxing day (above) in Les Gets. Below is looking across a bowl to a red and a black run with I think about 3 skiers in view. The economic downturn I guess is responsible or maybe it was just the copious rain which maybe lead people to believe the snow would be washed away - no fear of that.
One run I had never got over to before was the slope down from Nyon above Morzine, I've done it now and it was really good fun. With plenty of fresh snow it was wacky races up at the top, people falling over left right and centre, on and off piste, I didn't - hurray!
Above we have views from Nyon. Firstly, down to the Valley D'Aulps with Morzine in the valley and secondly looking across in the opposite direction from the top of the Nyon lift at 2019 metres, the Dents Blanches in the distance are 2756m.
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