This year at the pottery market....

But first, the night before. We were dining on the terrace of the pizzeria when 3 ladies arrived wanting a table for 5 and would it be O.K to smoke? They could wait for a table at the edge of the terrace where they could smoke or tables could be moved  together for the party at the 'inside' of the terrace but they would have to consider the other people if they were to smoke (we were in fact the closest and just about finished and leaving). Usually people just get up from their table and take a couple of steps into the car park to smoke between courses. Anyway after the kerfuffle of moving furniture the 3 sat down to study the menus, then the other 2 women arrived and because they couldn't light up they then all  trooped off - how incredibly rude I thought and how vile it is to need to smoke throughout a meal. What horrible people!!
18 hours later, first purchase made at the pottery market, who from? one of the nicotine addicts, and all the others were there, potters one and all.

We bought.....

A lovely pot from Martine Kronn Cantin who also makes fantastic quirky animals and fish which are unfortunately a bit beyond our budget.                                                                                             

But we did get a fish, a fish on a stick! from Valerie Bacon who we've bought a vase from previously when we visited Saint Jean de Fos 'the village of  potters'. So he is now residing on the kitchen window sill.  
And finally a couple of little bowls from a lady that I think we've bought something of every time we see her work because of the eye catching high gloss colours. Visit  and on the opening page there are these little bowls in red and black looking just like poppy blooms. I've always fancied half a dozen of them to use for desert dishes and if I'd bought one each time I've seen her I would have had the set by now, but each time I've been tempted by something else. When it came to the crunch we opted for the more colourful versions.


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