MEET THE ARTISTS part two (Languedoc)

Off to Mons la Trivalle we go, 3 ateliers to discover here and at least I actually know where one of them is, so finally a success. (Just as well I knew as there was no signage to be seen.) We had a look around the sculptures of Pablo Quedad who I think was the same guy who had displayed work at a recent musical weekend at the 'Source' in St.Pons de Thomieres. I'd been very taken by some of the pieces I'd viewed there but unfortunately they weren't to be seen in the workshop 'garden', ah well, at least we got offered a drink and as Michael was starting to melt a glass of water hit the spot, righto, onwards...
Next on the list was an artist called Petra Schubert Lechner, sign posting spot on, things are looking up, parked the car and again set off on foot. Around the back of a house (again), nothing (again), maybe further up the lane, no, petered out, so closer inspection....just a bit of garden encompassed by 3 homes and some kids toys strewn about, nothing resembling an atelier. This is beginning to get beyond a joke.

Petra Schubert Lechner
OK we can't go wrong with the next one I thought, it's an actual gallery, ha, ha, ha. No blue number sign on display anywhere as far as I could see, but mercifully in the middle of the village (which roughly comprises of 4 roads) there was a permanent sign up for the art gallery. The  'Comptoir Associatif - Atelier Lucart',  here I was hoping to see some work by Marie Helene Roger, an artist I have followed on facebook for some time and love her quirky figurative portraits, full of life, colour and personality.  
It was closed.
Enough is enough.
It's 30 degrees in the shade, I'm going home to the pool  - Michael didn't put up any kind of a fight  whilst I had my strop. Hey ho.


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