There are 6 corners to France as France is frequently referred to as l'hexagone.
Our recent trip took us to Cerbere in the bottom corner.
The bottom left hand corner I really want to visit, that is the area around Biarritz; Pau, Tarbes, Bilboa, Pamplona, that'll be next years ' spring break'.
Top Left is the department of Finistere where you find the city of Brest, been there and the port of Roscoff, done that. I have only spent a day along the coast westwards of Roscoff and a beautiful coastline it is (preferably on a beautiful day) so it would be good to one day get to the very point of this corner, is there a coastal path walk I wonder? Ok that'll have to be a summer jaunt.
Top corner = Dunkirk, tick, visited there
Top Right corner, well this is a cheat, I've done this from the other side i.e. Karlsruhe in Germany is just on the other side of the boarder at this point, just at the north end of the Black Forest. On the French side but a bit further to the south is Strasbourg which I have passed through and don't have much of a recollection off. Would I be sent packing if I said a lot of French cities do end up all looking much the same (if they're in the same region)? and Strasbourg was pretty non descript. Strasbourgians do feel entitled to comment! The countryside around here is lovely.
Bottom right, the Cote d'Azur meets Italy just after Menton, just after Monaco, just after Nice, etc, etc. An area we explored 24 years ago when no.1 son was taken on his first holiday and learnt to walk in Theoule sur Mer.
So I really only have 1 corner left to do, maybe 2 if you are picky and want me to get right into  the top left corner. That would be about the town of Poudalmezeau - what a super name.
I'm thinking this would be an interesting way to travel the world now just going from corner to corner of countries, although in most cases the locations of the corners are going to be tricky to pin down.
Right get the atlas out -  a good game to play with kids?? - let's turn countries into geometric shapes - so educational on several fronts!


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