Day 2 of the fete, had a quick run around before the hoards of people arrived, and I mean they do arrive like a descending hoard of biblical scale! Started out a lovely day, but descended into the grey scale. And were there dancing girls? Yes I believe there were, but I was happily painting walls white by that stage of the afternoon, as I said it was grey and I'd seen them dancing around the roundabout before so I stayed home. As I slapped on another coat of emulsion I heard the clop of clogs on tarmac, the whining pipes, drums and applause, so I think everyone enjoyed themselves. But comme d'habitide the cry goes up 'it wasn't as good as last year' (except for the sunshine).

Some more photos.....

I mentioned the large security presence?
You cannot have too much bread in France


Mediaeval jouster discusses brick laying, of course.

Some of the roving musicians.
See you again next year.


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